About UAE Commercial License Requirement

Information on this help page does not constitute tax, legal or other professional advice and must not be used as such. You should consult your advisor if you have any questions about your business license requirements. The information provided is based on the position at the time of this page’s publication, but it is not updated in real-time and may become outdated.
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Is a commercial license required to open an account?
Is a commercial license required to open an account?
If your business is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you require a commercial license issued by your local (mainland or offshore) licensing authority in accordance with applicable laws in the UAE to conduct business in the UAE. Visit Seller Central Help to learn more about seller identity verification here.
If your business is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you require a commercial license issued by your local (mainland or offshore) licensing authority in accordance with applicable laws in the UAE to conduct business in the UAE. Visit Seller Central Help to learn more about seller identity verification here.
How to obtain a commercial license?
If you do not have a commercial license in the UAE, you should obtain the license(s) from your relevant local authority.
Please note that you should consult with the relevant authority on the type of license applicable to your business circumstances.
For more information, you may visit the Ministry of Economy licensing websites:
https://www.moec.gov.ae/en/establishing-business-in-the-uae (mainland license) or
https://www.moec.gov.ae/en/establishing-business-in-free-zones (free zones licenses) or
https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/business/ecommerce/ded-trader-licence-from-dubai (e-trader license)
Please note that you should consult with the relevant authority on the type of license applicable to your business circumstances.
For more information, you may visit the Ministry of Economy licensing websites:
https://www.moec.gov.ae/en/establishing-business-in-the-uae (mainland license) or
https://www.moec.gov.ae/en/establishing-business-in-free-zones (free zones licenses) or
https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/business/ecommerce/ded-trader-licence-from-dubai (e-trader license)
How to get support?
If you need assistance with your commercial license application process, you may consult a service provider. You can find service provider details on Amazon Service Provider Network page (accessible if you have an Amazon seller account). Please be aware that Amazon does not provide legal advice and is providing these service providers listings solely as an informational resource, and you are free to use service providers who are not part of Amazon Service Provider Network should you wish to do so. If you decide to engage any of the service providers listed on this page, you will be contracting directly with that provider. Amazon does not endorse any service provider or any of their services, and accepts no liability in connection with any services or advice provided by any service provider in connection with your licensing (or otherwise).
Is a commercial license required to open an account?
According to Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, you shall abide with the applicable laws. From time to time, Amazon may conduct reviews to verify your information, request additional or updated information from you.