The Amazon - Dubai Economy and Tourism(DET)
SMB empowerement initiative

This initiative is designed to fuel the growth of the UAE's flourishing small business community. By equipping entrepreneurs with the essential knowledge and tools they need to succeed on Amazon, we enable them to take their businesses online and expand their reach globally. Through our partnership with DET, we provide access to a range of benefits and facilities, including state-of-the-art technology and industry experts, to help SMEs establish and grow their businesses in the UAE.

Join us today and discover how this initiative can help you achieve your business goals and reach new heights.

Register now

Are you an Emirati, or is your brand owned by an Emirati?
What can we help you with?*
Main product category*
*categories requiring prior approval
Are you...*
Please Specify the Brand(s) name.*
Tell us about your Website*
Estimated Annual On-line Revenue*
How many unique products do you have in total?*
How did you hear about us?*

Company & Contact Information